Always be yourself regardless of your company. If you are around your family, friends, or coworkers, remember to interact as normal with your mate. Don't turn into someone else that neither of you recognize. Stay true to yourself and your relationship at all times and you'll thank yourself later.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don'tmind."-Dr. Suess
It's Thursday! So you know what that means...THANKFUL THURSDAY!
Father's Day is this Sunday and today I'd like to shout out my dad, Richard Junior on this Thankful Thursday. I am an All day, Every day Daddy's Girl! I totally admit to being spoiled by him and accustomed to getting what I want if it's within his means to provide it. As the only daughter, he showered me from birth to now and made sure I always knew that I was beautiful and should never let anyone disrespect or mistreat me. Everyone is not fortunate to grow up with a loving father in their home, so I'm truly blessed to have lived that life.
I wouldn't trade my dad for any other dad in the world. He truly takes his job as a father very serious even though I am now a 27 yr old adult. From enlightening me on what to look for in a husband all the way down to educating me on the maintenance of my truck, he always goes out of his way to make sure I am prepared in life. Death is certain, but the exact occurrence never is. I will cherish and love him as long as he is on this earth. With that being said, I'll shout it out for the world, "I'm Thankful, Thankful, Thankful for my Daddy!!!"
Well I'm out but come back next Thursday to find out what else I'm thankful for. -SOLAR 40
Would you like to join us? Well we welcome you 100%, so hop over to Ramblings of a Diva and find out more.
Motivate your mate and encourage them to achieve their goals. Without motivation, it can sometimes be hard to go for certain goals. Say encouraging words and assist your mate in any way you can.
"Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great."- MarkTwain
How often do you catch yourself just staring at your mate and smiling? Well, if you can't remember, today is the day to get your SMILE COUNT up! Not only does smiling bring your heart and mate joy, but it also allows you to burn calories. That's my kind of deal, now get to smiling!! If you need some encouragement, check out Kirk Franklin's "I Smile" video below:) Happy Friday!
"Smile like you've never smiled before."- Solar 40
It's Thursday! So you know what that means...THANKFUL THURSDAY!
Today I'm thankful for my lovely stylist, Jacquetta Ross, owner of Always Cuttin' Up in Charleston, SC. If you know me well, then you know I always get my hair styled every other Thursday. On Hair Day I wake up with a smile, because I know that I'm going to partake in some afternoon fun and engaging conversations while getting my hair glammed up. There is just something about a hair salon that makes me feel alive and extra happy.
My stylist is very comical and knowledgeable. I always leave with a new tip on couponing and finances or a new way to protect my hair. In addition to her wonderful spirit, her other clients are a delight to me as well. Carefree chatter and the sweet smell of fruit scented hair products just do something to me!
Conversations range from love, to marriage, to finances, and right down to world news. Thank you Jacquetta for always bringing a smile to my face while keeping my hair nice and healthy. Couldn't ask for a better stylist!
Well I'm out but come back next Thursday to find out what else I'm thankful for. -SOLAR 40
Would you like to be a part of Thankful Thursdays? Well hop on over to Ramblings Of a Diva and sign up!!
I'm happy as can be with a nice style from Always Cuttin' Up :)
It's a new month, which means new information, inspirations and blog hopping. Starting tomorrow, I will be doing Thankful Thursdays along with Ramblings of a Diva and other bloggers. Each Thursday I will share what I'm thankful for in my love, work, and personal life. So don't forget to swing by tomorrow and get your dose of Thankful Thursday!!
You may or may not be familiar with the few lyrics above, but when I think of trust, this song usually comes to mind. We're here, and now venturing into LOVE BIGGIE #2: TRUST!!Without trust, you will always have doubt and worries about your relationship. It's very critical that you have faith in your mate and know that you can trust them and also live a life where they can trust you as well. When you know that your mate has your best interest at heart, it's easier to do a lot and discuss a lot.
Relationships can be tested by the actions and words of outsiders and this could break your relationship if you let it. If you hear things about your mate from someone else, do you believe them or believe your mate? TRUST is a MUST. If you ask your mate a question and they give you an answer, do you trust or doubt their answer? TRUST is a MUST.
You will find that when trust lives in your life, home, and relationships, problems are less common. I trust my boyfriend in all aspects and believe that what he does for me and shows me is the truth and it's the only truth I need to rely on in our relationship. I know that he trust me as well and I DON'T and WON'T do anything to change or jeopardize this. Once you do something to cause your mate to lose trust in you, it's very hard to earn that trust back. Trust is just like a chain and when a link is broken, it's hard to hold anything together.
Sometimes if we've had issues trusting family members and friends growing up, it makes it harder to trust your mate in a relationship. You have to learn to accept that everyone is different and everyone will not let you down. While people in your past may have done so, you can't hold this against those in your present and future and assume that you can't trust them. I encourage you all to work on trusting yourself and others, because TRUST is a MUST!
"To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved." - George MacDonald
Don't ever lose touch with the kid in you! Do you ever sit around and reflect on how great your carefree life as a kid was or how fun it was to date when you were younger? Well, bring that back!! Play games, tell jokes, be silly with your mate. Restore the youthfulness in each other and just watch how things change for the better in your relationship. There is nothing like a good laugh or playing an old childhood game with your mate. Give it a try and find out for yourself. "Youth is a wonderful thing- Solar 40